Dr.Amit Kamle, Director A.K.Educational Consultants Meets H.E. Prof B.E.Shakov, Rector Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy

11 November 2016: Dr.Amit Kamle, M.D(Russia) Director A.K.Educational Consultants meets
Hon.Rector B.E.Shakov, Dean for International Students Prof.Erlykina.E.I, Head of
International Department Kuznetsova A.A. Some very important discussions like mutual
cooperation in the sphere of recruitment of Indian students in NizhGMA, student teacher
exchange programs, introduction of Medical Council of India question banks in NizhGMA,
hospital orientation programs in India for NizhGMA students, signing of Memorandum of
understanding between Nizhny Novgorod State Medical University with leading hospitals of
India through A.K.Educational Consultants.
Prof.Shakov was delighted to welcome Dr.Amit Kamle as A.K.Educational Consultants are the
first consultants of NizhGMA to introduce Indian students to NizhGMA. He thanked Dr.Kamle
for this help and support. Dr.Kamle presented Prof.Boris Shakov “Letter of Appreciation” for
providing quality medical education to Indian students in NizhGMA.