Dr.Amit Kamle, Director A.K.Educational Consultants Visits University Of Glasgow

Dr.Amit Kamle, M.D(Russia) Director A.K.Educational Consultants visits University of Glasgow
School of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing. The University is renowned for pioneering teaching
methods and superb facilities for undergraduate and postgraduate study.
This is one of the largest and most prestigious Undergraduate Medical Schools in Europe and
are leading the UK with one the most important innovations in the teaching of medicine – a
unique undergraduate curriculum that utilises problem-based learning techniques.
The Dental School is the second largest in the UK and provides comprehensive up-to-date
facilities for patient care, student clinical practice and training and for education and
research in dental and oral diseases and disorders.
Dr.Amit Kamle said, “I am inspired by Dr.William Hunter and his amazing contribution in the
field of Medicine. I think the University has an amazing library with books of renowned
authors in its collection. The anatomical centre has a series of preparations for aspirants.
It’s one of those world Universities where students could get a vast exposure. I am truly