Dr.Amit Kamle Visits University Of Manchester In England

Dr.Amit Kamle, M.D (Russia) Director A.K.Educational Consultants visits the University of
Manchester. The Manchester medicine programme educates trains and prepares students for
practice in the healthcare systems of today and the future. Upon graduation, students will
be able to apply knowledge, intellectual and practical skills to understand and manage the
complex healthcare needs of individuals and society, while developing the resilience to meet
the demands of changing healthcare environments. The University has the largest medical
school in the UK with over 2200 undergraduate medical students.
The University uses a wide variety of teaching and learning methods but the key Manchester
approach is the study of themed case discussions in small groups where students are
proactive learners. This is supported throughout the course by lectures, practical classes
(including anatomy dissection) and clinical experience. The University course integrates
science and clinical learning so that students are able to apply scientific knowledge and
concepts to their clinical practice.
Graduates of the MBChB Medicine meet the core requirements for junior doctors and successful
completion entitles students to apply for provisional registration with the General Medical
Council and apply for Foundation Year 1 posts.
The course is five years in length. In the 1st and 2nd years students will study the
foundations of the biomedical, social, behavioural and clinical sciences underpinning
medicine. The 3rd and 4th year students have clinical science teaching with a significant
increase in clinical learning in teaching hospitals and community settings; the driver is to
enable you to acquire clinical competence. Year 3 will emphasise placements in general
medical and surgical environments, broadening your clinical practice in Year 4 in a variety
of clinical specialities.
In the 5th year students will consolidate and integrate previous four years of study and
prepare for practice as a graduate. Students will take on supervised responsibility for
patient care.
“The city, its environment, teaching methodologies with up to date infrastructure, overall
student discipline makes the University of Manchester a pioneer in medical education”, said
Dr.Amit Kamle.