1 June 2017, Mumbai: Dr.Amit Kamle Meets The Vice Chancellor Of University Of Mumbai

Dr.Amit Kamle, Director A.K.Educational Consultants along with Dr.Zilber Vice Chancellor for
Research, Ms.Natalya Head of International Department and Mr.Maksim Head of Admissions
Department IKBFU met Dr.Sanjay Deshmukh Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of University of Mumbai.
The delegation invited the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of Mumbai University to visit the Federal
University campus in Russia. They discussed on collaborations in the fields of education for
various courses within the frame of Federal University and Mumbai University.
Dr.Deshmukh said, “I am very pleased to have hosted an elite delegation from Russia from the
Federal University. I extend my congratulations to Dr.Amit Kamle who has played a vital role
in bridging the gaps between our Universities which could help many students to study at
Federal Universities of Russia.”
Said a beaming Dr.Kamle, “I thank the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor for his kind words and
appreciation. I think it’s a great achievement for us personally and to Indian parents and
student fraternity at large to have been able to open the doors of Federal Universities that
too in Medicine.”