Kazan State Medical University is a multi-functional and multi-eveled state institution of higher learning in medicine. It meets both personal and social needs in acquiring education in medicine, in developing bio-medical and clinical sciences, as well as broadening scientific knowledge of medical sciences. Kazan State Medical University (KSMU) functions on the basis of self-governance and belongs to the system of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Ministry of Health of Russia. The highest body or KSMU self-governance is academic with university's regulations. On March 6, 1994, the university was issued with a license number 16 G – 235 by the State Committee of Russian Federation of Higher Education which grants the right to perform activities in the field of professional education.
University Highlights
Pharmaceutical and two medical colleges in Kazan. |
One medical college Mary EI Republic lycee. |
Bio-medical classes on the secondary school basis. |
KSMU takes the 16th place among 86 other universities. |

This complex educational system in the frame work of the university provides the continuous higher education of medicine. Kazan State Medical University carries on an aimed preparation of experts in different fields of medicine for 10 republics, Povolzhie and Ural regions.
According to the results of a rating of medical schools, KSMU takes the 16 place among 86 other universities. (The Gourman Report A rating of graduate and Professional programs in American and International Universities, Fifth Edition. Revised Dr.Jack Gourman Nation Educational Standards. 1989).
Kazan State Medical University MBBS Fees for Indian Students
Kazan State Medical University MBBS fees depends on various factors and keeps updating every year. Some factors that influence it include the tuition fee, hostel fee and changes as and when made by the university. For the updated fee structure of Kazan State Medical University MBBS fee in Indian rupees, visit us and talk to our experts, who will take you through all the necessary fee aspects.A.K.Educational Consultants is authorized & recognised by the Kazan State Medical University to recruit foreign students to the Faculty of Foreign Students for studies in English Medium at the Kazan State Medical University.

Kazan City

Kazan is one of Russia’s largest cities. It is a major industrial, commercial and cultural center, and remains the most important center of culture. Since April 2009 Kazan has the legal right to brand itself as the “Third Capital” of Russia, approved by the Russian Patent Office. In 2004 Kazan was named the best city of Russia and became the winner of Russian public award “Russian National Olympus”. Kazan celebrated its thousand-year anniversary in 2005. Despite of such venerable age, the city is growing and dynamically developing in all respects. Contemporary changes in the outside appearance of Kazan are contributed by the architects with worldwide known names. Being the city of unique historical monuments, Kazan is included into the UNESCO World Heritage Cities list. The origin of the name is unclear. The literal translation of the Tatar word qazan is a boiler or cauldron.
It was believed that the city of Kazan is named after this object because of its geographical similarity with a “qazan”-pan; namely the city is situated in a U-shaped lowland. Kazan lies at the confluence of the Volga and Kazanka rivers in central European Russia. The way from the capital of the Russian Federation — Moscow — to Kazan takes 1 hour by plane, 8-10 hours by train or bus. Kazan is a significant educational and cultural center of Russia. There are about 40 universities operating in the city. Among them there is the Kazan State Medical University. There are lots of museums, libraries, concert halls, theaters in this city. Two renowned international festivals: the opera festival named after F.I. Shalyapin and the classical ballet festival named after R. Nuriev have been regularly held for a period of many years. Kazan is the host-city for the 2013 World Student Games.
5th of November (according to the old calendar) 1804 The Emperor Alexander I declares in his royal command to establish a University in the city of Kazan 14th of May (2nd of May according to the old calendar) 1814 — Establishment of the “Department of Doctoral or Medical sciences” of Kazan University
- 1837 — The Anatomical Theatre was built
- 1840 — The University Clinic was opened
- 1858 — The Physiological Laboratory is launched
- 1893 — The first editions of “The Neurology Newsletter” are published
- 1900 — The complex of University Clinics starts functioning; the Bacteriological Institute is established on the basis of the Medical Faculty
- 1901 — The first editions of “Kazan Medical Journal” are published 5th of November,
- 1930 — the Medical Faculty of Kazan State University is reorganized into Kazan State Medical Institute
- 1930 — Establishment of the Faculty of Prophylactic Medicine (Sanitary Medicine)
- 1932 — The Pediatric Faculty is created
- 1954 — Establishment of the Dental Faculty
- 1975 — Training at the Pharmaceutical Faculty is launched
- 1991 — The Faculty of Social Work is established
- 1994 — The Faculty of Management and Higher Nursing Education starts functioning
- 29th of April 1994 — Kazan State Medical Institute is reorganized and acquires the status of Kazan State Medical University
The following Faculties are available at the university :
Faculty Of General Medicine:
Historically the first and the largest faculty of KSMU, for many years it remained the only Faculty of Kazan Imperial University. The duration of course is 6 years.
Pediatric Faculty
The Paediatric Faculty was established in December 1932. The faculty trains students to work with children, thus during the study period at the Paediatric Faculty is a very special attitude towards the future profession is formed. The duration of the course is 6 years.
Faculty Of Preventive Medicine:
The year 1869 can be considered as the date of establishment of this Faculty, when Professor A.I. Jacobi organized Russia’s first department of Social Hygiene at the Medical Faculty of Kazan Imperial University. In 1930, together with the reorganization of the Medical Faculty into an Institute, the Faculty of Preventive Medicine was established. The Faculty of Preventive Medicine trains doctors, the scope of activities of whom includes the assessment of human health and the environment and the implementation of preventive measures. The duration of the course is 6 years.
Faculty Of Dentistry
Established in 1921 the Department of Odontology and Stomatology of the Medical Faculty of the Kazan University marked the beginning of higher dental education in Kazan. In 1954 the Dental Faculty was created in Kazan Medical Institute. The duration of the course is 5 years.
Pharmacy Faculty
Founded in 1975 the Faculty trains specialists in the field of development, production and usage of drugs, who are capable of providing high quality and timely medication assistance to the population. The duration of the course is 5 years.
Faculty Of Social Work:
The Faculty was created in 1991 with the aim of training, retraining and further advanced training of social work specialists. Students gain extensive knowledge in the fields of social sciences, psychology and pedagogy, law and economics, theory and technology of social work. The duration of the course is 5 years.
Clinical training is performed at 54 units of the Ministry of Health of the Republic Tatarstan. There are 33 general hospitals, outpatients departments, 21 polyclinics, maternity hospitals, dental polyclinics, etc. The total number of beds is around 9000. There are approximately 4500 therapeutic, 2120 — paediatric, 1500 — surgical and 440 — gynaecological beds. The main hub of clinical training is the Republican Clinical Hospital. Other centres for clinical training include Hospital of emergency care, City hospital No. 18 and Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Centre.

Medical Library
The university has a perfect large library with more than 700 thousands of volumes in Russian & foreign languages. More than 500 renowned scientific and medical journals are available in the library or in the internet room.

Standardized Patient
The Centre for Practical Skills is the newest department of the Kazan State Medical University, founded in 2002. The Center for Practical Skills conducts pre-clinical training of students and organizes training for residents and interns of KSMU.
KSMU represents the leading scientific schools of Russia and the most relevant research studies. This is the only University in Russia which has a «Stem Cell Bank»
Scientific Research
Academic research activity of the university covers a wide range of areas in clinical elaboration on the problems of physiology and pathology of the cardiovascular system, diagnostics and treatment of malignant neoplasms, age peculiarities of children in the normal and pathological states, modern methods of curing dental diseases, problems in diagnostics and prophylaxis of infectious diseases, illnesses of mother, foetus and newborn, occupational medicine, and the basics of pharmacy. University is extensively developing academic ties with scientists in USA,Belgium, Germany, Italy, Check Republic and France.
Center for clinical trials
Kazan State Medical University has actively participated in clinical trials (Phases I-IV) since 1994. On August 8th of 2011 centre obtained Certificate of accreditation for conducting clinical trials of medications for medical use. During these ten years, Center for clinical trials has created a solid partnership with more than 25 Research Organizations around the world (Austria, USA, Slovenia, Denmark, England, Switzerland, Germany, France, Belgium, India, Sweden and Israel) such as Paraxel, Worldwide Clinical Trials, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd ., Quintiles, GmbH, etc
Each year more than 80 researches in various fields of medicine (cardiology, gastroenterology, rheumatology, phtisiopulmonology, endocrinology, neurology and paediatrics, psychiatry, dermatovenerology, departments of infectious diseases, obstetrics and gynaecology, surgery and traumatology) are conducted. All clinical sites are accredited for conducting clinical trials and have modern diagnostic and laboratory equipment.
Indian Culture at KSMU