The I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical University (MMU) is the oldest and the largest national medical higher educational institution. The MMU forefather was the medical faculty of Imperial Moscow University opened by efforts of the Great Russian scientist M. V. Lomonosov. The first six students began their studies at the faculty in 1758. in 1930, the medical faculty was separated from Moscow State University to become the 1st Moscow Medical Institution. In 1990, in order to create perfect elite education and deeper integrated research, the country’s most powerful medical institution was reorganized as the Medical Academy.Nowadays, the university plays the leading role in the development of medical sciences and training, certification, and advanced training of medical, pharmaceutical and scientific personnel. The members of the staff of the universities are engaged as experts and consultants of the World Health Organization. According to UNESCO international rating the Moscow Medical University takes the second place after Rane Descartes University of Medical Sciences.
MMU is arguably the best medical school in Russia.
The MMU Diploma is recognized by WHO and the Medical Councils of many countries. The degrees of the university open the doors to European countries, the USA and Canada. The university comprises: 11 faculties, 115 academic departments, scientific research and clinical center, an editorial and publishing section, 18 clinical, a library, and other subdivisions. Moscow Medical University has 69 buildings for studies, classrooms and lecture halls, the clinical center with 18 diverse clinics for 3080 patients, a large united scientific center, several research institutes, the fundamental library, the laboratories, the botanical garden, and the stadium. The total area of the university training and laboratory premises exceeds 200,000 sq m or 25 sq m per student. There are four student hostels for 1,770 people.
The university has been collaborating with 40 therapeutic – prophylactic and apothecary institutions, the research canters and institutes in Moscow. About 8000 students from Russia and foreign countries have studied annually in the university. There are trained in Medicine, Preventive Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing, and Dentistry (Since 2001) . The I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical University has gained a considerable experience in the international students training. Since 1949 to date over 2000 specialists from 87 countries have been trained there. In 2001 about 900 foreign citizens were students of the university. The excellent Preparatory course, the hostel with comfortable living conditions, a division with instructions conducted in English have brought the MMU training standards close to those of the best higher medical educational institutions of the member countries of European Community.
A.K.Educational Consultants is authorized & recognised by the I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical University to recruit foreign students to the Faculty of Foreign Students for studies in English Medium at theI.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical University.

Moscow, the capital of Russia and it is the biggest political, industrial, scientific and cultural center. It is located in the centre of the European part of the country on the centre of the Moscow River. Nazi Armies were halted and defeated just outside Moscow during the second world war. In recognition of its war and labour features Moscow was awarded the title of – Hero City. Nowadays Moscow is a big industrial centre. It’s major industries are machine building, engineering, instrument making, metal working, electrical engineering and electronics. Moscow is also called centre of science and education. It is the seat of the Academy of sciences, several academies of specific sciences and hundreds of research establishments. It has some 80 higher education institutions attended by almost 7,00,000 students.